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A member registered Mar 04, 2022

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(1 edit)

same here, i think it might be due to lauching trough oculus instead of steam vr but i cant confirm since I havnt been able to lauch it on steam vr, lemme know if you find a fix or how to force lauch it on svr

About that, I tried, it does it on the browser I use (Opera GX) and even on the two others I tried it on (Chrome and Edge) Heck, I even tried downloading it and it is really the first time a game does this, it's really weird

Found a bug, if you use an Xbox controller and use Y to jump, you jump almost 3 times as high as a normal jump. Also, I got a weird bug where the robot just really likes going left I guess because each time I let go of D it just goes left, and does not stop.